While many of us take food for granted, there are 45 million children that suffer from severe malnutrition each year. It's exacerbated by wars and famine around the world. I'd like to support Red Barnet and Save the Children - nearly half of all deaths in children under the age of 5 is caused by lack of nutrition so let's save these lives.
On September 1, I will run a 10K to support these children and thank all the donors (I've never run more than 6 kms before.) On the same day I also plan set up a table in a local park to distribute flyers and share information about child hunger. I'll bake dozens of cupcakes to hopefully bring people to connect and collect even additional funds.
Når du støtter denne katastrofeindsamling, går pengene til børn ramt af krige, katastrofer og klima-forandringer. Lige nu er vores fokus på sultkatastrofen på Afrikas Horn, der er ramt af en af de værste tørker i 40 år.
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